All organizations are as good as their people. Ability to perform is cultivated and nurtured more than an innate characteristic. Various studies have shown the ability to identify talent as the first
step. Following that, measuring the potential to performance and identifying the key performers and defining an approach to grow talent within the organization has been the new wave of better
talent management and human capital strategies.
McKinsey developed 9-Box model, since the 1970s, has been helping with this strategy. Lately, focus to this approach has been data and analytics to help quantify the models better.
This use case provides insight into how Fusion Consulting is helping some organizations quantify the data with clarity and helps provide analytics to map to this model with more reliability using
data and analytics solutions. With the growth of various organization and needs to help evaluate the models more granularly for different roles within the organization, Fusion has built a data
platform to pull in relevant information to help quantify with better auditability from various HCMs, HRMS, KPIs and other systems.
• Director of Talent Management
• Chief Nursing Officer
• Executive Management
• Director of Clinical Quality
Original 9 Box model was in 1970s –
This was initially developed to categorize human capital. It has since morphed into an appraisal model to help categorize employees for better succession planning.
Emphasis from talent evaluation and succession planning is now being used for high impact positions to help retain high performing talent within the organizations.
Fusion’s data model incorporates and identifies the high impact positions based on criteria within an organization to help quantify and define growth by roles, by person on a snapshot basis. Information used to quantify is based out of actions, positions, employee, roles, occupational health, progressive discipline, compliance, performance reviews, key success factors.
Results from the use case is expected to reduce terminations in key positions where the cost of hire is hire and compliance and patient safety standards within Healthcare organizations could be maintained or improved further. Effective cost of a key nursing positions within the organization has an impact close to $100,000 per resource.
The same use case could be applied to key management positions to help plan succession more effectively and grow the high value talent within organizations more efficiently.
617K.pdf – Center of Excellence